╤The file dropped on Voice Cloak Plus is not an acousticon.
Voice Cloak Plus will now launch Blaze Audio REB Plus. Please use save As acousticon option in REB Plus for creating acousticon and using them in %s.B[%s] is not an audio file! Please try again with a different file.hError: Failed to convert format of recorded file. Please contact Blaze Audio technical support for help.ƒError: Failed to delete file %s.
Please check whether the file is being used by other program.
If this problem persists, contact Blaze Audio technical support.WError: Failed to create a temporary file. Please contact Blaze Audio technical support.ZError: Failed to fill silence in audio file. Please contact Blaze Audio technical support.╣Error: No audio is recorded in your voice file. Please make sure your recording device is working properly and if this problem persists, contact Blaze Audio technical support.
File: %s.░Error: Your voice file does not exist. Please make sure your recording device is working properly and if this problem persists, contact Blaze Audio technical support.
File: %s.CError: %s failed to save the file with following error message: %s.RIt is recommended that you restart your VOIP application if it is already running.⌠Please launch your VOIP software, If it is not running already.
If your voip application is busy in a conversation please stop the conversation.
It is required that you start the conversation after selecting your voip application from the list.cYour voice is not recorded! Please make sure your microphone and sound device are working properly.